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Submitted by theteflorg on

According to the video, teaching large English classes can be challenging, but there are ways to manage them. The speaker, Carl, who is a TEFL tutor, offers some advice and suggestions on how to do this. Here are some of the key points:

  • Class size is a personal preference. Some teachers feel comfortable with 25 students, while others may find it challenging.
  • Large classes can be chaotic, but there are ways to manage them.
  • Use pair work and group work to get students talking to each other.
  • Move the desks around the classroom to change the interaction patterns.
  • Try to learn students' names. One strategy is to write down their names and a memorable detail about them next to their names.
  • If you have a large range of ages or levels in your class, try to group students together based on similar abilities. This will make it easier to plan lessons.
  • Use online quizzes to help you assess students' understanding.
  • Don't be afraid to write instructions on the board.
  • Use gestures to get students' attention.
  • Find a way to manage the class that works for you. Don't try to be someone you're not.